IQ Mobile - June Payment Changes

Thank you for being an IQ Mobile Customer.

I am Peter Gradwell and I purchased the IQ Mobile business in early April this year from the original founders, Techhouse Communications. I am writing to let you know of some changes to the IQ Mobile business.

You do not need to take any action!

One Bill Per Month created on 1st
Normally payment taken by direct debit mid-month
No payment taken in May - catchup payment to be taken in June 


In order to simplify systems and reduce costs, we will run one billing cycle per month, creating invoices for all customers on or around the 1st of the month. These will be emailed to you.

The direct debit will then be taken in the middle of the month, again, you will receive a formal notification via email.

We will no longer send payment notifications via text message.

Due to a number of banking challenges during the Pandemic, there has been a delay in transferring the Direct Debits. As a result, we have not collected any payments in May.

The payment for the 1st May invoice, will be taken in early June, on or around 15th June. The payment for 1st June invoice will be taken w/c 29th June. After this we will revert to a more normal pattern.

Please do not hesitate to email us if this is going to cause any problems, or, if you prefer, you can pay over the phone (dial 500 from your phone) via debit card and we will be happy to help.

Finally, IQ Mobile is a small mobile operator with ~1200 customers. Our intention is to relaunch the business, focusing on a high quality service and good value. We are improving the processes for our existing customers, and this year will introduce new services focused on business customers.

Yours Sincerely

Peter Gradwell